Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Havana Township
Page 761

REUBEN HENNINGER, retired farmer; P. O. Havana; was born in Northumberland Co., Pcnn., Sept. 13, 1801, but removed with his father's family to Columbia Co. in April, 1802, where he resided till about 17 years of age, when the family removed to Berks Co.. and, some ten years later, to Dauphin Co.; in 1832, they removed to Trumbull Co., Ohio; the subject of these lines came to Illinois in 1842, and located in Havana Township, this county, on the 20th of October, of that year; he has followed farming since his arrivaluntil about 1866, when he removed to Havana, his present home; he still owns a large tract of land in Mason Co., some 1.200 acres, and about 200 acres of land in Kansas. On the 22d of June, 1823, he was married to Miss Susanna Boyer, who was born in Berks Co., Penn , March 8, 1S04: her death occurred Nov. 1, 1847; eleven children by this union, eight of whom are now living:  William, Angelina (wife of S. Frankinfield), John. Amanda (wife of B. F. Howell). Reuben, Daniel, Susan (wife of Charles Fager) and Sarah (wife of Georsre Shanebergi, Margaret J. died in 1847; Cyrus,Oct. 16, 1872; Franklin, in July, 1879. He was married to his present wife, Mrs. Catharine (Bell) Fager, Oct. 8, 1848; she was born in Union Co., Penn., April 6, 1803, and had three sons by a former marriage:  John F., Harry A. and Charles C. Fager.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer